Is It Time to Deploy an EHR Solutions at Your Practice? 

EHR Solutions

Computer and software systems are at the core of delivering quality healthcare while serving your bottom line. Despite this, not all providers possess insight into what an EHR Solutions can do for their practice and try to get by with non-specific software for EHR solutions to manage patient data. Implementing an EHR Solution or EHR software for your practice can help to improve employee productivity and treat more patients effectively. The benefits of implementing an EHR solution are myriad and the time to deploy them was yesterday. However, if you are still on the fence about it, you will have clarity by the time you are done reading this.

The field of medicine cannot avoid digital transformation as it enables management of enormous amounts of data, automation of a variety of tasks, both saved time and money, and  effective communication with patients, hospitals and referring physicians. Primitive methods of managing data are no longer effective or acceptable and a EHR solutions specifically designed to meet your specific needs is necessary as you grow. Tailor- made to suit your needs and designed to solve the specific problems facing your practice, while at the same time advancing your financial goals – EHR Solutions should be a no- brainer when it comes to growth and success.

As a medical practice manager or owner, how can deploying an EHR software be a game changer? 

Benefits of Electronic Health Records for EHR Solutions

Financial Opportunity 

As you aim to maximize revenue EHR integration helps to enable error-free claims submissions which reduces the denials and simultaneously improves the first-time acceptance rate of claims. 

Moreover, to access the financial incentives offered by Medicare and Medicaid, your practice is required to use computerized patient records with a certified EHR. The government actively promotes the use of for increased efficiency and standardization and provides several financial incentives to practices. 

Time Saving 

Pre-designed templates that are built into EHR solutions are useful for physicians to document common patient issues and complaints. These templates are perfectly tailored to specific specialties and are customizable to suit a physician’s individual needs. This ensures that staff provide correct information quickly, saving you much needed time. 

Improved Patient Access

A key feature of an EHR is a patient portal which allows a patient to manage their account and information, and often – check-in in advance. Touted for its ability to boost patient engagement, the portal also eliminates the need for your staff to manage paper forms. Patient portals have also proven to be a boon during covid times when people have been advised to practice social distancing. For instance: since patients don’t have to come into office to fill out a form first, it cuts down time on exposure to others in the waiting room.  

Constant Support 

A combination of on-site support along with 24/7 customer support from your EHR vendor will take the burden off your practice’s IT department. This can also help in cutting down IT-related costs software for EHR. 

Increased Security 

One of the primary benefits of EHR solutions is that it can make your practice HIPPA Compliant while also making sure your health records are protected. However, protecting electronic health records and sensitive data from unauthorized access calls for extreme diligence. Adopting a cloud- based EHR with secured hosting will give you greater confidence as well as protect you in times of emergencies. Thus, it is important to select an EHR software provider with a proven track record in the industry. 

Adopting a robust EHR software platform is not just about ensuring the best delivery of care for patients, but also about optimizing the ability of your practice to make smart business decisions based on available data and maximizing the bottom line. 

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