Demystifying the Medical Coding of Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis

Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis

A Comprehensive Guide to CPT and ICD-10 Codes 

April is Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis Awareness Month, and during it we aim to raise awareness about this progressive neurological disorder. Parkinson’s disease affects more than 8 million people worldwide, and it is estimated that around . 90,000 Americans are diagnosed with the condition each year.   

We want to empower you with a deeper understanding of the diagnostic codes used for Parkinson’s Disease (PD), with a comprehensive list of Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) parkinson’s disease diagnosis codes related to PD. 

ICD-10 Codes for Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis

  • G20: Parkinson’s Disease – This is the primary ICD-10 code used when a healthcare provider confirms the presence of PD through clinical evaluation and diagnostic testing for Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis. 
  • G21: Secondary Parkinsonism – When Parkinsons-like symptoms are caused by other factors, such as medications, toxins, or other medical conditions, this code is used to classify the Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis. 

Note: The G21 code is a subcategory within the broader category of “Extrapyramidal and movement disorders” (G20-G26) and specifically refers to “Secondary Parkinsonism.” Secondary Parkinsonism is a type of Parkinson’s disease that is caused by a known factor, such as a medication, head injury, or exposure to toxins. 

Let’s take a closer look at all the G21 codes for Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis

  • G21.0: Malignant Neuroleptic Syndrome – This code is used to describe a serious condition that can occur as a result of using certain medications that affect the dopamine system, such as antipsychotic drugs. Malignant neuroleptic syndrome is a medical emergency that can cause muscle rigidity, fever, and confusion, and can even be fatal. 
  • G21.1: Vascular Parkinsonism – This code is used to describe a type of Parkinsonism that is caused by problems with blood flow to the brain, such as stroke. Vascular Parkinsonism is typically characterized by a sudden onset of Parkinsonism symptoms, which can include tremors, stiffness, and difficulty with movement. 
  • G21.11: Multi-infarct Parkinsonism – This code is used to describe a specific type of vascular Parkinsonism that is caused by multiple small strokes. Multi-infarct Parkinsonism can cause progressive damage to the brain, leading to worsening Parkinsonism symptoms over time. 
  • G21.19: Other vascular Parkinsonism – This code is used to describe other types of vascular Parkinsonism that are caused by problems with blood flow to the brain, such as vasculitis or atherosclerosis. Like other forms of Parkinsonism, vascular Parkinsonism can cause a range of movement-related symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis. 
  • G21.2: Drug-induced secondary Parkinsonism – This code is used to describe Parkinsonism symptoms that are caused by the use of certain medications, such as antipsychotics or antiemetics. Drug-induced secondary Parkinsonism is typically reversible once the medication is discontinued, although some symptoms may persist. 
  • G21.3: Postencephalitic Parkinsonism – This code is used to describe a type of Parkinsonism that can occur as a result of a viral infection of the brain, such as encephalitis. Postencephalitic Parkinsonism is a rare condition that was more common before the advent of vaccines for many viral infections. 
  • G21.8: Other secondary Parkinsonism – This Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis code is used to describe Parkinsonism symptoms that are caused by factors other than those listed above. Other secondary Parkinsonism can be caused by a range of factors, such as head trauma, exposure to toxins, or other medical conditions. 
  • G21.9: Secondary Parkinsonism Unspecified – This code is used to describe Parkinsonism symptoms where the underlying cause is unknown or unspecified. Parkinsonism symptoms can be caused by a range of factors, and in some cases, the exact cause may be difficult to determine. 
  • G22: Parkinsonism in diseases classified elsewhere – This code is used to indicate that Parkinson’s symptoms are directly related to another medical condition. 

CPT Procedure Codes for Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis

  • 95860: Needle electromyography (EMG), one extremity – This code refers to a diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity of muscles and nerves in one limb, providing information essential for diagnosing PD and ruling out other conditions for Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis. 
  • 95861: Needle electromyography (EMG), two extremities – Similar to 95860, this code is used for EMG testing performed on two limbs. 
  • 95863: Needle electromyography (EMG), three extremities – When EMG testing is conducted on three limbs, this code is utilized. 
  • 95864: Needle electromyography (EMG), four extremities – This code is used when EMG testing is performed on all four limbs. 
  • 95867: Needle electromyography (EMG), cranial nerve supplied muscles, unilateral – This code applies to EMG testing of muscles supplied by cranial nerves on one side of the body. 
  • 95868: Needle electromyography (EMG), cranial nerve supplied muscles, bilateral – Used when EMG testing is performed on cranial nerve supplied muscles on both sides of the body. 
  • 95869: Needle electromyography (EMG), thoracic paraspinal muscles – This code is for EMG testing of the thoracic paraspinal muscles, which are located along the spine in the upper and middle back. 
  • 95870: Needle electromyography (EMG), limited study – When a limited EMG study is performed, this code is utilized. 
  • 95872: Needle electromyography (EMG), guidance for botulinum toxin injections – This code is used when EMG testing guides the administration of botulinum toxin injections for Parkinson’s disease treatment. 
  • 95970: Electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter – This code refers to the evaluation of an implanted deep brain stimulation (DBS) device used in Parkinson’s disease treatment. 
  • 95971: Electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter with simple programming – This code is used when simple programming adjustments are made to an implanted DBS device. 
  • 95972: Electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter with complex programming – This code is utilized when complex programming adjustments are made to an implanted DBS device. 
  • 96000: Comprehensive computer-based motion analysis with video and dynamic surface electromyography – This code is for a comprehensive motion analysis that includes video and dynamic surface EMG, helping assess the severity and progression of movement disorders like Parkinson’s disease. 
  • 96001: Comprehensive computer-based motion analysis with video and dynamic surface electromyography, including report – Similar to 96000, this code refers to a comprehensive motion analysis but includes a written report detailing the findings. 
  • 96002: Dynamic surface electromyography, during walking or other functional activities – This code is for surface EMG conducted during walking or other functional activities to assess movement disorders. 
  • 96003: Dynamic fine-wire electromyography, during walking or other functional activities – This code pertains to fine-wire EMG conducted during walking or other functional activities, providing information essential for diagnosing movement disorders. 
  • 96004: Physician review and interpretation of comprehensive motion analysis, with written report – This code is used when a physician reviews and interprets the results of a comprehensive motion analysis, providing a written report. 
  • 96116: Neuropsychological testing, interpretation, and reporting, per hour – This code refers to the time spent by a healthcare provider on neuropsychological testing, interpretation, and reporting to assess cognitive function in patients with Parkinson’s disease. 
  • 96121: Neuropsychological testing, with qualified healthcare professional face-to-face time with the patient, interpretation, and reporting, each additional hour – This code is used for each additional hour of face-to-face time spent by a healthcare provider on neuropsychological testing, interpretation, and reporting. 
  • 96132: Neuropsychological testing evaluation services by a psychologist or physician, per hour – This code is for the time spent by a psychologist or physician on neuropsychological testing evaluation services. 
  • 96133: Neuropsychological testing evaluation services with qualified healthcare professional face-to-face time with the patient, interpretation, and reporting, each additional hour – Used for each additional hour of face-to-face time spent by a healthcare professional on neuropsychological testing evaluation services, interpretation, and reporting. 
  • 96136: Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by a technician, per 96000: Comprehensive computer-based motion analysis with video and report – This code is used for a detailed computer-based analysis of a patient’s movement patterns, which can help assess the severity of Parkinson’s disease symptoms and monitor disease progression. 
  • 96138: Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by a physician or other qualified healthcare professional – When a physician or other qualified healthcare professional administers and scores psychological or neuropsychological tests, this code is utilized. 
  • 96146: Automated psychological or neuropsychological testing – This code is used when psychological or neuropsychological tests are administered and scored using an automated system. 

Empower Yourself with Knowledge of Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis

By understanding the comprehensive list of CPT and ICD-10 codes for Parkinson’s disease, you are better equipped to participate in meaningful discussions during Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month. Ask questions, and engage with others to promote a deeper understanding of Parkinson’s disease and support those who are affected. Your knowledge can help raise awareness and make a difference in the lives of those living with Parkinson’s. You can also have a look on new and revised CPT codes.

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