North Dakota
Commercial / BCBS of North Dakota
Commercial / BCBS of North Dakota
Last Checked Date | 7/27/20 | 7/27/20 | 7/27/20 |
CPT Codes | 99441 -99443 | 99201-99215 | G2012 |
Communication Type | Telephone call allowed- Video not required | Video required | Telephone call allowed- Video not required |
Type of Service | Telephonic encounter (Virtual check-in) | Office or other outpatient visits | Telephonic Encounter (Virtual check-in) |
POS | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Modifier | 95 (See additional notes) | 95 (See additional notes) | 95 (See additional notes) |
Additional Notes | Covid Modifer: 32,CR or CS should be append when service is related to Covid Cost sharing : All cost-shares will be waived for telehealth services for fully insured and FEP membership during the COVID-19 emergency period. However, for self-funded accounts, cost shares are waived only for COVID-19 testing and the related office visit. | Covid Modifer: 32,CR or CS should be append when service is related to Covid Cost sharing : All cost-shares will be waived for telehealth services for fully insured and FEP membership during the COVID-19 emergency period. However, for self-funded accounts, cost shares are waived only for COVID-19 testing and the related office visit. | Covid Modifer: 32,CR or CS should be append when service is related to Covid Cost sharing : All cost-shares will be waived for telehealth services for fully insured and FEP membership during the COVID-19 emergency period. However, for self-funded accounts, cost shares are waived only for COVID-19 testing and the related office visit. |
Cost sharing for Telemedicine | Waived (See : Additional notes ) | Waived (See : Additional notes ) | Waived (See : Additional notes ) |
Policy Termination Date | 03/01/2020 – end of the emergency declaration | 03/01/2020 – end of the emergency declaration | 03/01/2020 – end of the emergency declaration |
Policy Link/Update Link | Click Here | Click Here | Click Here |
Additional Policy PDF | Click Here | Click Here Click Here |
Click Here Click Here |
State Telemedicine Policy